When running a business, there are many factors which collectively can ensure success or, alternatively, can encourage failings.
All successful business owners endeavour to solidify the first of these options. However, all too often companies are reaching difficulties by not acknowledging the problems which are sometimes classed as of less importance.
For example, a recent study found that one of the key components in a smaller business failing is the lack of planning or promising business structure.
However, it is not all doom and gloom. There are several ways that you can ensure that your business thrives in the current economic climate, and one of these ways is a lot more simple than you may think.

What is Productivity?
Virgin founder Richard Branson once famously said, “If you look after your staff, they’ll look after your customers. It’s that simple”.
This idea is heavily influenced by productivity. Productivity is the state or quality of being productive or, more specifically, having the ability to produce large amounts of quality goods, crops or commodities.
To put it into even simpler terms; if your employee is happy in their work, then they are likely to be more productive and generate a higher level of quality output, which, in turn, will benefit your business dramatically.
Pushing for a higher level of productivity is a sure way of optimising the skills that your employees have, and ensuring that you are working at maximum capability as a company.
Creating higher goals and targets in the hope that the employee can work towards these without any issues is not only setting a strategy which is certain to fail but also decreasing overall motivation across the company, as employees begin to feel the pressure rising and become overwhelmed with stress.
Below are some of the positive ways in which the business owner can drive productivity.
Ways to Increase Productivity
1. Analyse the current conditions
In order to see what and how the businesses productivity can change for the better, an analysis of the current conditions is necessary.
Assess how much time certain tasks require, and consider delegating these tasks to suit the strengths of individual employees.
2. Encourage the importance of regular breaks
Highlighting how important breaks are for the employees’ well-being and the employee’s productivity shows them that you are considering their individual needs.
Ensuring that breaks are mandatory, rather than optional, forces the employee to take their mind away from any task at hand.
Although, initially, this may sound counteractive, various studies suggest that even a 30-second break can increase your productivity up to 13%.
3. Ensure that the working conditions are suitable for the employee’s needs
As mentioned in a previous blog post, up to 20 minutes per day can be wasted on employees complaining about poor working conditions.
This could be several factors, from insufficient lighting to noise pollution, or even poor tools and equipment, and, following the Richard Branson way of thinking, can really harm a companies growth in the long-term.
One way of ensuring that optimal working conditions are being achieved is through the fourth most complained about issue – temperature.
At Cool Tech Air Conditioning, we pride ourselves in finding solutions for this exact problem, and as a result, can help the business owner create a safe and satisfying workplace, contributing to increased productivity overall.
Our extensive range can be seen here – why not call one of our expert team members on 01204 292707 today for an evaluation of what we can provide for you?